
Oh boy...

Well here I am! Yes, I'll admit to the fact that I have been slacking but I'll also provide a very good reason. Nothing interesting enough to blog about has been happening. Except the fact that after spending a month straight w/ the love of my life [[Destiny Brianna Alexis Turner]] she was taken away from me to return home three miserable days ago. *multiple tears*
We cried for a longg time before she left, a longgg time after she left, and I still find myself crying at different times in the day...haha Today, just a minute ago, I ate a pickle...just because that's her favorite. Okay seriously she's like addicted, but whatever. Maybe you guys don't understand why this is such a big deal...so I'll take time to explain. Des and Cindi have been inseperable since birth. Actually I was born around a year before her, but since she was born, we've been together. At least when we were younger and lived in the same town. Now we treasure the summer moments we get to spend together...and bawl loudly when those moments end. Like last Sunday. The moment ended. It was very very very tearful.

Anywayyssss...yesterday was an adventure of sorts...Nana and Papa decided to go look at a car and left me here w/ the kiddies. Those kiddies included:: Mindi, Daniel, Shannon, Blakley, Mekenzi, Emily and Dakota. Wowww. Okay so I thought "Well it'll be fine. They won't be gone that long." But for those of you who know my nana, nothing is fast when she is involved. She can carry on a two hour conversation about NOTHING. So it wasn't fast and the children were hungry. Oh boy. For those of you who know Cindi, she can't coooook. Not good w/ a million starving kids. So I made Ramen noodles. They probably weren't too great, but I kindly told them that if they complained I knew how to mix up dog food :) Needless to say, they didn't complain. Good girls and boys I tell ya. :)

Okay well this was kinda long..and hopefully not too boring :)



Grace & Co said...

LOL! You're funny. I'm glad you were able to find something to feed all those starving children. Now what are you going to do for the starving ones in Africa? ;)

I'm sorry you're so miserable now that your one and only is now MIA.

♥Cindi Leigh said...

hhmmm. the noodles were a fix for the kids here...but those african kids...welll...they might prefer cereal :) it's easier to make anyway :)

haha its okay...we'll make it :)