

MY DESTINY!! Yes, that's right. :) Today mom called me and started talking about birthday parties..which gets me super happy! I told her that I'd call and order my cupcakes ((arranged in flower patterns :p)) and Mindi's cake..((with some kind of horse design)) and make reservations at Riverside Park. Then I asked myself, "Why are you planning your own party crazy kid?!?!" The only possible reason..I want it to be something that I enjoy VERY much! After all, you only turn 16 once :)

So we've made cake arrangements and park plans..called most of the family..and Stevie! Stevie is Destiny's stepmom. I really want Des to be able to come, but the only way I'd know if she had dance practice..or softball practice, was to call and find out. So I did. And..Stevie said that she would talk to Destiny's dad and she was pretty sure they could work it out!! That would be the best present ever! Since we live so far away and all... :(

Anywhooo..that's what I've been up to. Planning my party. And Mindi's party :p Since our birthdays are only 3 days apart, we always have our "celebration" together, but this year mom was worried that I wouldn't want to have it together since it's my.."Sweet Sixteen." I said, "Mom..if it was my wedding, it might be a big deal..but since it's just my birthday..it's fine!" haha I really don't care to share a party w/ my sister..we've done it all of our lives, after all. And plus, we really hang out w/ the same people..our family is the same. And church family..all the same! So it's not that big of a deal :)

Welllll...that's about all for now!



Grace & Co said...

You should be disappointed by ME since I haven't blogged in forever! =]

♥Cindi Leigh said...

haha it's okay dear..i understand that you're busy :)